Dog Ice Cream Made in Italy
A delicious ice cream base in various flavors to serve to our four-legged friend 365 days a year. It hydrates and satisfies.
Easy preparation: Add 80 ml of water (about one coffee cup full); close the lid tightly and shake until the mixture is smooth. Place in the freezer for about 3 hours and thaw for 5 minutes before serving to the dog.
Hundeeis Made in Italy
Eine köstliche Eiscremebasis in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen, die Sie Ihrem vierbeinigen Freund das ganze Jahr über servieren können. Es spendet Feuchtigkeit und sorgt für Zufriedenheit.
Einfache Zubereitung: Fügen Sie 80 ml Wasser hinzu (etwa eine Tasse Kaffee voll); verschließen Sie den Deckel gut und schütteln Sie, bis die Mischung gleichmäßig ist. Im Gefrierschrank etwa 3 Stunden lagern und 5 Minuten vor der Fütterung des Hundes auftauen.
Glace pour Chiens Fabriquée en Italie
Une délicieuse base de glace en différentes saveurs à servir à notre ami à quatre pattes 365 jours par an. Elle hydrate et satisfait.
Préparation facile : Ajoutez 80 ml d'eau (environ une tasse à café pleine) ; fermez bien le couvercle et secouez jusqu'à obtenir un mélange homogène. Placez au congélateur pendant environ 3 heures et laissez décongeler 5 minutes avant de servir au chien.
Dolci Impronte - Ice cream for dogs - Yoghurt flavor - 40gr - - Italian product, delactosate, with high digestibility. Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high-quality, lactose-free raw material. The ice cream contains iunulin and apple powder which help digestion, all of which are always of high quality.In summary, the Gelatoso by...
Dolci Impronte - Lactose-free ice cream for dogs - Strawberry flavor - 40gr - Ice cream for dogs: an exquisite ice cream base to serve fresh to our 4-legged friend. Refreshes and hydrates.Italian product, with lactose-free milk and high digestibility.Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high quality, lactose-free raw material. In...
Dolci Impronte - Ice cream for dogs - Vanilla flavor - 40gr - Italian product, delactosate, with high digestibility. Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high-quality, lactose-free raw material. The ice cream contains iunulin and apple powder which help digestion, all of which are always of high quality.In summary, the Gelatoso by...
Dolci Impronte - Ice cream for dogs - Apple flavor - 40gr - Italian product, delactosate, with high digestibility. Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high-quality, lactose-free raw material. The ice cream contains iunulin and apple powder which help digestion, all of which are always of high quality.In summary, the Gelatoso by...
Dolci Impronte - Ice cream for dogs - Biscuit flavor - 40gr - Italian product, delactosate, with high digestibility. Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high-quality, lactose-free raw material. The ice cream contains iunulin and apple powder which help digestion, all of which are always of high quality.In summary, the Gelatoso by...
Dolci Impronte - Ice cream for dogs - Banana flavor - 40grIce cream for dogs: an exquisite ice cream base to serve chilled to our 4-legged friend. Refreshes and hydrates. Important information:The first ingredient is rice flour, a high-quality, lactose-free raw material. The ice cream contains iunulin and apple powder which help digestion, all of which...